Monday, April 25, 2011

On America

   I am beginning to realize just how fortunate I am to live in America. If I lived somewhere else, where healthcare isn't a privilege but a right, where zealotry and proselytization is far less and where pacificity and education is far greater... well, I very well may have found myself being quite well adjusted to it and I may have been unable to see those aspects they share in kind with this hemorrhoid of the earth.

   Until you're at the apex of delusion, selfishness, greed, waste, carelessness, and general backwards thinking, you really can't take in the full view in all it's horror and awe. Being only half way up just isn't the same thing. Worse than a country where the people and the government are obviously dangerous with vivid displays of violence and overt, campy propaganda is a country where they subtly harm you a little bit every day, chipping away at you with concepts and traditions that devalue you and trap you, creating, in a sense, a sort of quiet desperation in all who live there, all the while trying to convince you that what they're doing to you, and those around you, and to themselves even... is really for the best. 

"You may call me a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
   And why is the latter worse? Because, it's much easier to define the former and in turn fight against it, the same cannot be said for the latter which, for many people, is ineffable and, indeed, for good reason. The last thing that people in power in a place like this really want is for you to be able to express this notion articulately, with passion and fierceness. And even if you, singularly, can express it, they certainly don't want you to be able to find like minded individuals within the area around you with whom you could discuss the matter without the whole conversation collapsing and falling apart because these people have also overcome that notion which states that, "this place and it's ways, flawed though they might be, are still better than any alternative". No, such a thing would simply not do. So give me some shit hole in Africa any day, give me North Korea, give me the places with the most obvious problems, because at least there I might be able to rouse people to the pursuit of true liberty and real freedom, because at least there people can admit things have gotten as bad as they actually have.

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