Monday, April 25, 2011

So Apparently, I Inspired A Poem.

Taking a break from the usual format and purpose of this blog, I found out recently that I inspired someone to write a poem based on my musings about American society.  The poem can be found here:

The bit that inspired it was on my Facebook page.  I was feeling depressed and pissy, and as usual when I get this way I can't seem to stop myself from ranting.  Nobody's perfect I guess, heh.  Anyhow, here's the word vomit that caused this poem:

Facebook Status: Great, I get to start another week that's going to be pretty much the same as the last week was and the week before that as well. This is all so pointless. I work to amass and what I amass I have to work to sustain. It's such a vicious cycle. No new insight is obtained. No meaning or purpose is derived. There is no catharsis to be found and no end in sight.

Follow Up Comment: There is only the faint realization of these few things and the feeling that everything has gone horribly, terribly wrong.

My late night, incoherent rage faces.
Follow Up Comment: And I'll state this much as well, for the record, I can't keep on like this forever. This has to have an ending sometime. I need a way out. Maybe this form and fashion of living is good enough for some people, but I really don't know how much longer I can degrade myself like this. And it is degrading, you know. Daily answering to someone who's less intelligent than yourself and having your livelihood in their hands. Constantly being looked down upon for wanting evidence rather than blindly believing in whatever is fashionable at the time. Occasionally watching my ex-girlfriend prance about with my ex-friend and next door neighbor. Perpetually trading 1/3 of my life in exchange for pieces of paper that tell me exactly what it is I'm worth. And there is nothing to be done about any of it. Nothing that can be done about any of it. A worse alternative isn't a choice, it's just negative reinforcement, like a cattle prod, keeping me in check everyday, making sure I don't step too far out of bounds. I'm sick of it, this whole system is repugnant. I can smell the stench of apathy all around me, and hear the sound of cheerful acceptance and happy embracement of a system that asks you to take a little so they can have all of you, all that you are and all that you ever would be, molded in their image, but like a bad copy most of us just don't quite make the grade or fit just right into their mold. And for what? For what? Seriously, what is it all for at the end of the day? When we look back at it all, why did any of us ever bother getting out of bed? To appease a God? Our conscience from a barrage of perpetual guilt tripping telling us we need to "earn" things so we can "deserve" what we have? I hope I'm not the only one who see's the absurdity of that notion. If I am, that's okay, but we are truly cursed if that is true, doomed to repeat the same tired mistakes again and again and again, and we will only wind up damned this way. People in this society, we tend to make our own hells.

Post Script: This whole bit of trashy, inarticulate bullshittery reminds me of the ending of one of my favorite movies actually:

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